When Would You Need a Second Opinion?

Surgery, especially a joint replacement, is a very scary treatment plan when you’re not expecting it. Because joint replacement surgery is an intensive procedure, you want to make sure it’s the right and safe treatment you need. A second opinion is a way for you to seek another provider's opinion about your plan of treatment.
At Orthopedic Associates of Wisconsin, our team helps you decide if joint replacement surgery is the right course of action for your condition. Second opinions are provided by Dr. Mitchell Klement, who’s our orthopedic specialist. Whether you need a knee or hip replacement, Dr. Klement provides you with the care and answers you need.
What exactly is a second opinion?
Have you ever thought of cutting your hair, and asked a friend for their opinion? If that friend says it’s not a good idea, have you found yourself asking someone else for their opinion? In short, you’re basically asking the other friend for a second opinion to make sure you make the right decision when it comes to your hair.
The same is true in medicine. Second opinions are actually quite common when it comes to invasive treatment options, especially surgery. A second opinion is a way for you to make sure you’re making the best decision for you and your overall health.
In orthopedics, second opinions are generally sought out after an upsetting diagnosis or treatment plan. For example, if you’re having hip pain and another doctor tells you that you need a hip replacement, it might warrant a second opinion from Dr. Klement.
It’s not that the first doctor is wrong; it’s that a joint replacement is a huge commitment and undertaking, and you want to be absolutely sure that it’s the right route of treatment for you.
When Dr. Klement provides you with a second opinion, he takes into consideration your diagnosis, imaging studies, and symptoms to formulate the best form of therapy to help you fight off pain and immobility.
How to know if you need one
There really isn’t a right or wrong time to get a second opinion. In this instance, you need to go with your gut feeling. However, there are some signs that can help to clue you in that a second opinion is warranted, and they include:
You feel something isn’t right
You should never say yes to a treatment just because it was suggested to you. You know your body, and what you’re comfortable with. If you don’t feel like the recommended treatment is correct, or your diagnosis isn’t accurate, it’s important that you advocate for yourself and explore other options.
The treatment involves surgery or is risky
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to go with a treatment just because a doctor suggests it. Surgery is an invasive, and in some cases, dangerous procedure. If you aren’t quite ready to say yes to that, make sure to explore all of your options through a second opinion.
Your initial treatment plan hasn’t worked
You should never settle for treatments that haven’t yielded the results you were hoping for. If you’ve undergone treatment for an orthopedic condition and you’re still having symptoms, Dr. Klement can help.
It’s important that you advocate yourself when it comes to your care. If you’re not getting any better with the treatments you’ve been offered, it’s time for a second opinion.
No matter what your reason for getting a second opinion, it can never hurt. There are actually a lot of benefits to receiving this in your treatment plan, some of which include:
- A better physical outcome
- Opening up communication in your care
- Receiving the correct diagnosis of your condition
- Learning new or better treatments
Second opinions can also limit the risks to your body and your overall health by figuring out what’s the best route of therapy for your condition.
If you’re in need of a second opinion, Dr. Klement can help. You may call our office to schedule a consultation at 262-223-3040, or you can book an appointment online today to get help from Dr. Klement.
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